Independence Day (US): Changes to Trading Schedule for July 04-05, 2023

Dear Clients,
Due to Independence Day (US), there will be the following changes in the trading hours (NordFX server time):

Close: 04.07.23 20:15
Reopen: 05.07.23 00:00

Close: 04.07.23 20:00
Reopen: 05.07.23 00:10

Close: 04.07.23 20:00
Reopen: 05.07.23 02:10

DJ30.c, US500.c, USTEC.c
Close: 03.07.23 19:15
Reopen: 04.07.23 00:05
Close: 04.07.23 19:00
Reopen: 05.07.23 00:05

US Stocks
Close: 03.07.23 19:00
Reopen: 05.07.23 15:30

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