Serving Clients from Vietnam, Now in Their Native Language

Our company continues to expand its presence in Southeast Asian markets. Many have noticed that yet another language version of the NordFX website has been released, this being Vietnamese. This October, the NordFX Support Service has also started speaking Vietnamese.

From now on, clients from this country of 100 million people will be able to receive advice in their native language on issues around trading in financial markets. They will also be able to get complete information about all the products and services that our company offers. In addition, the company's specialists will be ready to provide prompt assistance in opening new accounts, as well as depositing and withdrawing funds.

It should be noted that for the convenience of Vietnamese clients, our company has connected two popular in Vietnam payment systems, Bao Kim and Ngan Luong, to our service.

As we say to our Vietnamese clients, "Welcome! And good profiting!” - "Chào mừng! Và đạt lợi nhuận tốt!"

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