New Year's Eve Stocks-Surprise Gift from NordFX

December is the month of summing up the results of the year. But before doing so, NordFX decides to give its clients a New Year's surprise gift by expanding the range of trading instruments and introducing a new Stocks account designed for CFD trading with the shares of the world's largest companies.

At the moment, stocks of 68 companies, including IBM, JP Morgan Chase, Coca-Cola, Mastercard, McDonalds, Microsoft, Volkswagen, UBER, eBay, Alibaba, Deutsche Bank and many others, are offered for trading to traders and investors.

Trading is conducted on the well-known MetaTrader-4 platform. You can open both short and long positions on CFD contracts with a leverage of 1: 5. The total commission for a round-turn transaction is only 0.2%. It should be borne in mind that a long position held at dividend date receives the dividend amount, while a short position pays the dividend amount.

You can learn more about the trading instruments specifications, as well as open  a Stocks account, at the NordFX website  following the link or through the Trader's Cabinet.

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