June 23, 2016

British Pound – Nosedive After Brexit

British Pound – Nosedive After BrexitAfter Brexit every second Brit predicts the end to the United Kingdom within the next 10 years. These are the shocking data of survey conducted by BBC. It is clear, that such turmoil cannot but effect the future of the British pound as well – one of the major currencies being traded on the Forex market now.


July 17, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 18 – 22 July 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 18 – 22 July 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast:

– as to EUR/USD, the forecast for this pair may be considered only partly fulfilled – the experts reckoned that the pair would move in a sideways channel, but only after its sliding down, as a result of which the level of 1.1050 should act as the resistance zone. However, as the last week showed, it continued to act as the upper boundary of the support area of 1.1025–1.1050, and all attempts to break through it failed. Eventually the pair has been moving  within the range of 1.1025–1.1160 for almost three weeks, which is, obviously, due to the uncertainty around effects of Brexit on Europe...


July 10, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 11 – 15 July 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 11 – 15 July 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast:

– as to EUR/USD, the forecast for this pair may be considered as 100% fulfilled. As a reminder, based on the readings of the graphical analysis a sideways trend within the range of 1.1035–1.1180 was indicated as the main scenario. Indeed, the pair was keeping within 1.1028–1.1185 during the entire week, and even Friday release of NFP data couldn’t drive it out of this channel for long. Eventually the pair wrapped up the week at the level of 1.1050...


July 4, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 04 – 08 July 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 04 – 08 July 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast:

– as to EUR/USD, those 20% of analysts, suggesting the gradual rise of the pair, alike the rise of USD/CHF after the ‘Black Thursday’ as of 01/15/2015, turned out to be right. At least, over the past week the pair regained nearly 150 points and wrapped up the week within the area of lows seen in late May – early June...


June 26, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 27 June – 1 July 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 27 June – 1 July 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast:

 – all last week’s forecasts were made with the proviso that they would remain in force only before the beginning of the UK referendum. And given that very proviso, the prediction for EUR/USD may be considered as panned out. The majority of both experts and indicators reckoned that the pair would rise to the area of 1.1340 – 1.1400. The level of 1.1200 was referred to as the main support. Eventually, notwithstanding various expectations as to the outcome of the British plebiscite, the pair could keep within the range of 1.1235 – 1.1420. As to Friday, June 24, that day the pair plunged by 500 points, then it retraced a half of the movement – up to the level of 1.1190 and ended the week at the levels of late May – at the area of 1.1100...


June 23, 2016

Cowboys vs. Samurai. Which Currency Will Come Out on Top: US Dollar or Yen?

Cowboys vs. Samurai. Which Currency Will Come Out on Top: US Dollar or Yen?USDJPY currency pair is among the top five most popular pairs either in Forex market or when trading binary options, therefore not only governors of the central banks and managers of the hedge funds, but also millions of private traders around the world care for its future.

So what awaits the Japanese yen during the coming 12 - 18 months?


June 19, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 20 – 24 June 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 20 – 24 June 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast:

– making a forecast for EUR/USD, both experts and technical analysis unanimously voted for a sideways trend with a bearish sentiment, which was 100% fulfilled – discrepancy between the levels of the beginning and the end of the week made just around 20 points, therewith the pair tended to go south. The graphical analysis on Н4 pointed to the support of 1.1210, and, having reached this level on Tuesday, the pair bounced off it and moved upwards on Wednesday. The pair succeeded to break through the above-mentioned support only on Thursday and, as predicted by the graphical analysis on D1, the pair quickly reached the bottom at the area of 1.1135, following which it returned to the values of the early week...


June 13, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 13 – 17 June 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 13 – 17 June 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast:

– making forecast for EUR/USD for the upcoming month, the majority of experts (around 80%) insisted that the pair would go down at least to the level of 1.1100. Eventually, following the speech of the president of the ECB Mario Draghi, the pair did start going south and wrapped up the week in the middle between the level of support of 1.1283 and 1.1200, indicated on the basis of the data, provided by the graphical analysis...


June 5, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 6 – 10 June 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 6 – 10 June 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast:

– the forecast for EUR/USD reckoned that the pair might first rise to the level of 1.1170, and then – even up to 1.1240, following which it would reverse and start going south. This scenario also considered the fact that according to many authoritative sources the key indicator of economic situation in the USA – Nonfarm payrolls (Nonfarm employment change) – would show its gradual growth. Until Friday the pair had been moving strictly in accordance with this forecast – on Tuesday it reached the first resistance of 1.1173, rebounded, on Wednesday it broke through it, got to the area of the second resistance at 1.1220, following which it reversed and fiercely went south. However, Friday release of data from the USA changed the situation dramatically – actual NFP reading turned out to be 4 times (!) less than it was expected, and thus US dollar plunged by nearly 250 points...


June 3, 2016

Dolce Vita of Futures and Binary Options

Dolce Vita of Futures and Binary OptionsIt’s widely known that ‘dolce vita’ translated from Italian means ‘sweet life’. It’s also well known that sugar is one of the sweetest products in our life. But not everyone might know that sugar is also an efficient instrument for trading futures and binary options. However that’s the case.


May 29, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 30 May – 3 June 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 30 May – 3 June 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast, which may be considered as 100% fulfilled:

 – as to the forecast for EUR/USD, the majority of experts and indicators insisted that it should go down at least to the level of 1.1100, which the pair did, wrapping up the week just 10 points higher – at the mark of 1.1110...


May 22, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 23 - 27 May 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 23 - 27 May 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast:

- as to the forecast for EUR/USD, last week there was no consensus in regards to its future. Surprisingly all predictions panned out. 35% of experts backed by graphical analysis reckoned that the pair would gradually bounce off the support of 1.1280 and move towards the resistance of 1.1380, and earlier this week the pair did went upwards and reached the mark of 1.1348. The other 45% of analysts voted for the pair’s fall to the level of 1.1200, which virtually happened in the latter half of the week – the pair wrapped up the week fluctuating within the range of 1.1200 - 1.1230...


May 16, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 16 - 20 May 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 16 - 20 May 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast:

- as to the forecast for EUR/USD, as it often happens, graphical analysis turned out to be the most accurate, it predicted the return of the pair to the pivot point of February - May at the level of 1.1280.  The pair reached that very level of - 1.1282 on Friday and, after several unsuccessful attempts to break through this support, it completed the week at around 1.1310...


May 9, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 9-13 May 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 9-13 May 2016First, a review of last week’s predictions:

- As for the forecast for EUR/USD, this pair succeeded to meet expectations of all experts. All of their forecasts turned out to be correct - those, who predicted its rise (from Monday to Tuesday, the pair rose to the level of 1.1616), the ones who predicted its drop (the pair afterwards went down to support at 1.1385), and the ones who predicted its sideways trend - due to fluctuations the pair returned almost to the same level it had started the week from. Such a mixed behavior of the pair, as noted above, was largely predetermined by the last week’s release of a series of economic data points from Europe and the USA...


May 2, 2016

Oil Price Hike: To Be or Not to Be?

Oil Price Hike: To Be or Not to Be?In 1870, John D. Rockefeller founded the Standard Oil Company that became the largest monopoly in the petroleum industry. After 135 years, in the fall of 2014, Rockefeller’s heirs called off their investments in fossil fuels. They explained the decision by the fact that clean renewable energy was phasing out oil-based wealth. It appears they are right as the price of Brent crude oil fell to $35 a barrel in January 2016 from $95 in September 2014.


May 1, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 2-6 May 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 2-6 May 2016First, a review of last week’s predictions:

- graphical analysis and the indicators on D1 were 100% right in their forecast for EUR/USD.  According to them, the pair was supposed to bounce off support at 1.1200 and move on to resistance at 1.1450. In fact, the pair started from 1.1217 on Monday and completed the week at 1.1451...


April 28, 2016

HSBC Shares: Perspectives for 2016

HSBC Shares: Perspectives for 2016HSBC is a major multinational financial organization that lends services to over 48 million customers throughout the world. The group has 6,100 offices in 72 countries and territories across Europe, Asia, the Middle East as well as North and Latin America. With this, according to The Telegraph, 80% of the group’s profits come from Asia.


April 24, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 25-29 April 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 25-29 April 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast:

- D1 and W1 charts show that EUR/USD continues to move within the ascending channel that started last December. As expected by 50% of the analysts and graphical analysis on H4 and D1, the pair aimed at the upper boundary of the channel right from the start of the week, quickly reached resistance at 1.1350 and then went down sharply to strong support at 1.1200, which is clearly visible in the monthly timeframe...


April 18, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 18-22 April 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 18-22 April 2016Overview of Last Week’s Forecast

- EUR/USD was predicted to move down to the central line of the ascending channel that started to form last December and is now clearly visible on W1. The pair did drop sharply but didn’t reach the target of 1.1135. Instead, it stalled at support 1.1250...


April 11, 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 11-15 April 2016

Generalized Forex Forecast for 11-15 April 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast:

- the forecast for EUR/USD suggested that the battle line for the bulls and the bears would be drawn at 1.1400. However, the fact that they were actually equal in force was a surprise. As a result, neither of them could gain the upper hand and the week started and ended at the same level of 1.1400...


April 4, 2016

Forex Forecast for 4-8 April 2016

Forex Forecast for 4-8 April 2016Overview of last week’s predictions:

- in the previous forecast, 55% of the experts insisted that EUR/USD should rise and transition into 1.1340-1.1470, and they were right. On Friday, the pair went up to 1.1438, bounced down to support at 1.1335 and stopped almost in the middle of this range – at 1.1392...


March 27, 2016

Forex Forecast for 28 March - 1 April 2016

Forex Forecast for 28 March - 1 April 2016First, an overview of last week’s forecast:

- regarding EUR/USD, those 40% of the experts that predicted a fall were right. The forecast of graphical analysis on H4 also turned out correct, indicating that last week’s bottom would be around 1.1130. On Thursday, the pair almost reached this level, stopping at 1.1143...


March 21, 2016

Forex Forecast for 21-25 March 2016

Forex Forecast for 21-25 March 2016First, about last week’s forecast:

- the forecast for EUR/USD proved 100% correct. The main support was set at 1.1080, and the suggested peak for the pair’s rise was at 1.1350. In fact, from Monday to Wednesday, the pair relied on support around 1.1060-1.1080, and then on the news from the USA, it moved up reaching 1.1342, as expected...



March 14, 2016

Forex Forecast for 14-18 March 2016

Forex Forecast for 14-18 March 2016First, about last week’s forecast:

- the forecast for EUR/USD was unfolding more or less according to plan till the middle of Thursday – the pair first went down, then rebounded, set two boundaries of the corridor and entered a sideways trend. Specifically on 10 March, following the announcement about the ECB’s decision on interest rates, the pair fell to 1.0821 but then ECB Head Mario Draghi turned the market opinion about and the pair soared by 500 points to 1.1217. Nonetheless, EUR/USD still stayed within the 1.0710-1.1340 channel set by the indicators and graphical analysis on D1...



March 7, 2016

Forex Forecast for 7-11 March 2016

Forex Forecast for 7-11 March 2016

For starters, an overview of last week’s forecast:

- the forecast for EUR/USD can be counted as fulfilled. Executing the suggested monthly scenario, the pair first tried to break support at 1.0800, failed to do it and moved on to the weekly scenario. According to most experts’ predictions, the pair bounced upward and reached 1.1043 on Friday following the news from the USA...


February 29, 2016

Forex Forecast for 29 February - 4 March 2016

Forex Forecast for 29 February - 4 March 2016First, a review of last week’s forecast:

- the vast majority of the analysts and graphical analysis on D1 predicted a fall for EUR/USD, which happened, and the pair shed more than 200 points during the week...


February 22, 2016

Forex Forecast for 22-26 February 2016

Forex Forecast for 22-26 February 2016

First, about the forecast for the previous week:

- as for EUR/USD, 35% of the analysts and graphical analysis on H1 and H4 were correct in their forecast that the pair would fall in the last five workdays. As predicted, the pair reached the first support at 1.1150 and then tried to reach the second support at 1.1030 but halfway through it reversed and finished the week at 1.1131...


February 15, 2016

Forex Forecast for 15-19 February 2016

Forex Forecast for 15-19 February 2016First, about last week’s forecast:

- the forecast for EUR/USD panned out 100% – the pair remained in a sideways trend until mid-week, then, after Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen’s speech, it broke through resistance at 1.1250 and rose to 1.1350. On achieving this, the pair reverted to 1.1250, turning it into support...


February 8, 2016

Forex Forecast for 8-12 February 2016

Forex Forecast for 8-12 February 2016

First, a review of last week’s forecast:

- initially everything was going according to plan for EUR/USD – it rebounded to resistance at 1.0990 but then, instead of reversing and going down, it soared up to the values of last September-October. The reason for that was simply comments by US Federal Reserve official William Dudley who expressed doubts about the Federal Reserve raising interest rates in 2016...


February 1, 2016

Forex Forecast for 1-5 February 2016

Forex Forecast for 1-5 February 2016First, about last week’s predictions:

- EUR/USD once again proved that the majority opinion may be wrong. The pair’s bullish sentiment was supported by only 25% of the experts and graphical analysis on D1 but it is they who turned out to be right – straight from the market opening, the pair went up sharply and then, as predicted, plunged as sharply almost to the level of the start of the week...



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