May 23, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for May 25 – 29, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for  May 25 – 29, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. Tensions between the U.S. and China continue, which can not but affect the markets. President Trump said he will respond “very strongly” to Beijing’s legislative initiatives. This applies, in particular, to the desire of the PRC to strengthen control over Hong Kong, which has previously served as the cause of unrest in this country. If China continues to take this path, Donald Trump said on Thursday May 21, he “will deal with this issue very decisively.” In parallel, the US administration continues to point to the Celestial Empire, as the source of the global coronavirus pandemic, and requires appropriate compensation from it.


May 16, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for May 18 – 22, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for May 18 – 22, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. There is this expression — “retrain on the fly.” That's exactly what President Trump did on May 14. Prior to that, he talked a lot and often about the advantages of a weak dollar, which would increase the competitiveness of American products in foreign markets and pushed the Fed towards a softer monetary policy.  And now, he suddenly announced in an interview with Fox TV: "Right now it's good to have a strong dollar. Having a strong dollar right now is great!” The head of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, also supported his President, saying that the regulator did not and does not consider the possibility of switching to negative interest rates.


May 9, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for May 11 - 15, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for May 11 - 15, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. The Constitutional Court of Germany dealt a blow to the ECB's efforts to save the European economy last week. It decided that the European regulator had exceeded its authority regarding the quantitative easing (QE) program, and therefore its decisions were not binding on Germany. This news immediately weakened the EUR/USD position. If you add to this the lack of compromise among EU governments over fiscal stimulus, the risks of Eurozone fragmentation are growing every day.


May 2, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for May 04 - 08, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for May 04 - 08, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. Macro indicators paint a completely non-rosy picture of the state of the global economy. However, things in Europe look much worse than in the United States. The European economy has sagged at a record 3.8% in history over the previous quarter and 14.4% over the previous year, while in the United States these figures are just 1.2% and 4.8%, respectively.


April 25, 2020

Forex, Cryptocurrencies, Stocks. Forecast for April 27- May 01, 2020

Forex, Cryptocurrencies, Stocks. Forecast for April 27- May 01, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. While in the United States, decisions to allocate money to revive the economy are made quickly enough, in the Euro Zone this is a process that requires a long discussion and agreement between the participating countries. And this can not but put pressure on the euro. So, at its meeting on April 23, the European Council seems to have reached an agreement on measures to help the economy, suggesting that the European Commission create a Recovery Fund in the amount of approx. €1 trillion, but they could not clearly agree as to where to get this money from.


April 18, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for April 20 - 24, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for April 20 - 24, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. The number of applications for unemployment benefits in the United States has amounted to 22 million over the past four weeks. For comparison, this figure remained at the level of about 930 thousand in the previous few years. In other words, the unemployment has increased 23 times! The number of employed in the US was just over 150 million, so the losses caused by the COVID-19 crisis approached 15% of all jobs.


April 11, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for April 13 - 17, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for April 13 - 17, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. The Old and the New Worlds continue to compete to see who will pour more money into their economies. But what is the old Europe compared to the United States! On Thursday, April 10, after many days of discussion, the EU Finance Ministers narrowly reached a compromise, concluding a deal on measures to support their countries in the amount of "some" €500 billion. At the same time, the US Federal Reserve announced the launch of another $2.3 trillion support program. At the same time, the Head of the Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, said that his Department will most likely not stop there and will do everything in order to restore the US economy as quickly as possible after the epidemic.


April 4, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for April 06 - 10, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for April 06 - 10, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. The German unemployment rate remained unchanged at 5% in March. But the data on the US labor market looks just terrifying: 6.648 million applications for unemployment benefits, this figure has increased by 10 million in two weeks, which is equivalent to 6% of the entire labor force. The number of new jobs created outside the agricultural sector went down: -705K in March instead of +275K in February. Other indicators are no better. It is possible that the unemployment will jump higher than during the great depression. And at the same time, the dollar has been growing all week, taking away more than 350 points from the euro, which indicates that the market was already ready for such a collapse of the US economy and took this into account in its quotes in advance. The dollar was also helped by statements from President Trump and the Saudi Energy Ministry about a possible return to the negotiations in the OPEC+ format and an end to the oil war. Although, there is as little clarity on this front as on the front of the fight against the COVID-19 coronavirus.


March 28, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrency Forecast for March 30 - April 03, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrency Forecast for  March 30 - April 03, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. The pair's flights in recent weeks can be compared to aerobatics: first, an almost vertical takeoff up by 630 points, then a vertical peak by 860, and now a new leap up by 445 points.

Several factors caused the sharp drop in the dollar. The main one is the actions of the US Federal Reserve, which lowered the interest rate to 0.25% and launched a number of programs to support the US economy, injecting billions of dollars and distributing money to its citizens. As a result, the Fed's balance sheet exceeded a record 4.5 trillion dollars, and according to economists' calculations, it may even reach 6 trillion dollars. As a result, US stock indexes flew up, the S&P500 jumped by as much as 20%, pulling the EUR/USD pair with it: investors reacted positively to the steps taken by the US leadership and began to turn away from the dollar as a safe haven asset, preferring more attractive assets at the moment.


March 21, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for March 23 - 27, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for March 23 - 27, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. The coronavirus pandemic continues to drive global markets. The oil wars between Saudi Arabia and Russia, which, of course, do not do without the active intervention of the United States, add to the nervousness. This country, whose shale oil is another target of attacks from Russia, may now act as a mediator in the price battle between the Saudis and the Russians.


March 14, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for March 16 - 20, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for March 16 - 20, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. That's it! The world economy is no longer run by governments, banks, or corporations. The economy is reigned by only one "person" named Covid-19. The coronavirus pandemic has caused panic on the stock exchanges, a collapse in oil prices, a drop in production, and border closures. Humanity is scared, not knowing what to expect after a week, a month, six months. Schools and universities, restaurants and cafes, parks and stadiums are empty, and people are advised not to go out on the streets at all. Food and toilet paper are disappearing from supermarkets. All sorts of mass events are canceled, and a joke is circulating on social networks that the conference on the fight against the coronavirus was canceled because of...the coronavirus. President Trump's decision to close the US borders and ban the entry of Europeans sent markets into shock. EuroSTOXX50 futures fell 5.57%, while DAX30 futures fell 4.22%. US stock indexes suffered the biggest losses in the past 33 years. The main indexes of Japan, Australia, India, Hong Kong, South Korea, and other countries reached multi-year lows.


March 7, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for March 09 - 13, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for March 09 - 13, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. It seems that now one can ignore the macroeconomic indicators, which previously not only had an impact on the quotes, but also could reverse trends by 180 degrees. The situation in the financial markets has been completely dominated by the coronavirus for many weeks on the run, which now affects not only the health of people, but also the actions of governments and Central banks.


February 29, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for March 02 - 06, 2020

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for March 02 - 06, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. The situation in the financial markets is completely under the control of the coronavirus for many weeks in the run. And if many traders in 2019 complained about the lowest volatility of the EUR/USD pair in the history of its existence, the situation has changed dramatically in 2020. Yhe amplitude of its fluctuations exceeded 200 points last week alone, and the growth of the euro on Thursday 27 February was the fastest since May 2018. And all this due to the Covid-19 virus, which causes investors to avoid investing in risky assets, preferring quieter havens.


February 22, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for February 24 - 28, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for February 24 - 28, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. The dollar index has already gained 2.5% since the beginning of February, reaching the highest since May 2017. The euro continues to lose ground. Beginning on January 01, the advance of the dollar has weakened the European currency by 440 points. It has lost almost 300 points, or 2.7%, in the last three weeks of continuous decline alone.


February 15, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for February 17 - 21, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for February 17 - 21, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. Stop-loss orders on long positions for this pair are triggered one after another for the second week in a row. The bulls retreat, successively surrendering all their lines of defense. The pair has not just updated the lows of this and last years, it has reached the lowest values since May 2017. And the most interesting thing is that there is no one serious reason for such a collapse of the European currency. You can explain the collapse of the USD/CHF pair on "Black Thursday" in January 2015 or the fall of the pound following the referendum on the UK's exit from the EU. And here it seems that nothing extraordinary has happened.


February 8, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for February 10 - 14, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for February 10 - 14, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. The statistics in the United States (including ISM and NFP) look rather optimistic. The US indices have updated their record levels over the past five days: The Dow Jones is 29393 and the S&P500 is 3345. Production orders in Germany have been falling by 0.5% for three months in a row, confirming concerns about the state of the European economy, which is teetering on the edge of recession. As a result, expectations are growing among investors regarding the expansion of quantitative easing (QE) policy in the euro zone, and confidence is growing that the dollar rate will remain at least unchanged. This has recently been stated by the Fed Vice President Randal Quarles. Donald Trump also radiates optimism ahead of the presidential election, insistently reminding the voters that the unemployment in the US is at a record low of 3.5%.


February 1, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for February 03 - 07, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for February 03 - 07, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. The past week passed under the sign of the coronavirus, which determined the lion's share of what was happening in the markets. Commodities and currencies that are most clearly linked to China have suffered the most.


January 25, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for January 27 - 31, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for January 27 - 31, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. The euro is falling again, and it has lost about 70 points to the dollar over the past five days. There are two reasons for this: the coronavirus epidemic in China and the very cautious new ECB Head Christine Lagarde.


January 18, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for January 20 - 24, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for January 20 - 24, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. Starting from November 29, 2019, the pair moved along the ascending channel. On December 31, it reached the upper limit of the channel at 1.1240, and then changed direction and on January 08, it broke through the lower limit of the channel at 1.1225. "Will it return to its limits?"– we asked this question last week, to which the majority of experts (60%) answered with a firm "no". And they turned out to be right: Until Thursday, January 16, the bulls tried to do this, but then their strength weakened, and the pair went down sharply.


January 11, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for January 13-17, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for January 13-17, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. As you know, life is like a zebra: a black stripe comes after a white one, and vice versa. That was what happened this time as well: after the merry New Year holidays came the anxious expectation of a full-fledged war between the United States and Iran. But, a few days later it became clear that both sides want to avoid a full-fledged conflict, and the tension in the geopolitical field went gradually down, which is clearly visible in the oil prices.


January 4, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for January 06 - 10, 2020

Forex and Cryptocurrency Forecast for January 06 - 10, 2020First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. Holidays are for people to get distracted for a while from daily problems, plunging into the magic atmosphere of miracle expectation. And miracles happen, and financial markets are no exception, as we have already warned our readers.


December 28, 2019

Forecast: Dollar, Euro And Other Currencies In 2020

Forecast: Dollar, Euro And Other Currencies In 2020What to expect from major currency pairs in the New year.

There is no doubt that the vast majority of brokerage companies and private traders consider the EUR/USD pair as one of the main tools for their work. Different sources say that this pair holds from 22% to 32% of the Forex market. It is followed by USD/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/CHF, USD/CAD, EUR/JPY and EUR/GBP.


December 21, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for December 23 - 31, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for December 23 - 31, 2019First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. Starting on Monday from the level of 1.1110, the pair went up, as expected by most experts. The market did not react to the initiated impeachment of the US President Trump, and the S&P500 Index once again updated the historical maximum. However, the end of the year is the end of the year and the associated fall in volatility. Therefore, the pair failed to reach the target, the height of 1.1200, and recorded the maximum of the week at 1.1175.


December 15, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for December 16 - 20, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for December 16 - 20, 2019First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. As expected, both the Fed and the ECB have left their interest rates unchanged. Accordingly, the reaction of the markets to their decisions was almost zero. President Donald Trump and the new head of the ECB Christine Lagarde were on the side of the dollar last week.

The US President told his followers that "we (i.e. the US) are close to concluding a major deal with China. They want it, just like we do! » That is, if earlier President Trump said that the trade treaty is needed only by Beijing, now it turned out that Washington is also interested in signing it.


December 7, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for December 09 - 13, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for December 09 - 13, 2019First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. The Euro rose sharply on Monday. This is not to say that no one expected it. 35% of analysts and graphical analysis on H4 and D1 predicted the pair's rise to the height of 1.1100. Some may have decided that the growth is associated with the performance of the new head of the European Central Bank Christine Lagarde. But it is unlikely that this version is correct, since the words of this high-ranking official for the most part did not concern the prospects of monetary policy but were devoted to the prospects of the emergence of the crypto-Euro. Although, the jet of fresh air in the work of the mega-regulator could for sure contribute to the strengthening of the European currency.


November 30, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for December 02 - 06, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for December 02 - 06, 2019First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. it looks like the thanksgiving celebration in the US started not in Thursday 28 November, but as early as on Monday 25. The last week of autumn was unusually calm, and the volatility did not exceed 40 points until Friday, driving traders into hibernation. Positive data on GDP and production in the US were balanced by the growth of the consumer price index (CPI) in the Eurozone. And even the controversial law on support for democracy and human rights in Hong Kong, signed by President Trump on Thursday, coupled with a sharp reaction to it from Beijing, made little impression on the markets.


November 24, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for November 25 – 29, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for November 25 – 29, 2019First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. Recall that the previous forecast focused on the uncertainty that has been reigning in the markets recently. At that time, the preponderance of the bulls' supporters over the bears was only 10%. 55% of experts voted for the growth of the European currency, against were 45%. As if responding to such a balance of forces, the pair grew slightly on Monday, November 11 and, reaching the level of 1.0900, moved into a sideways trend. It stayed there until Friday, when, due to weak European statistics (PMI) and the speech of the new Head of the ECB Christine Lagarde, it went down sharply. However, it could not break through the support of 1.1000 and ended the five-day period at 1.1020.


November 16, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for November 18 – 12, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for November 18 – 12, 2019First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. President Trump is plannng to be re-elected for a second term thanks to the strong growth of American GDP. Major US indices continue to storm historical highs. Futures on the S&P500 rose above 3100. The wave of purchases in the markets was spurred by the optimistic statement of the White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow about the imminent conclusion of a trade deal with China. At the same time, the Financial Times reports that, in fact, the White House is not happy that China is stalling and not offering significant concessions in response to the abolition of tariffs. And Trump himself does not want to cancel them completely.


November 9, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for November 11 – 15, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for November 11 – 15, 2019First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. On Thursday, November 07, the US markets updated historical highs after reports of the US and China willingness to remove duties as new parts of the Trade Treaty are being signed. Speculators have turned their backs on traditional safe havens such as bonds, yen and gold. The European currency has also become cheaper against the dollar: investors expect the US macroeconomic indicators to improve after the US-China trade war ends. And although it is still a long way to signing a full-fledged agreement, analysts believe that Donald Trump will no longer make any sudden moves ahead of the upcoming US presidential election.


November 2, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for November 04 – 08, 2019

Forex Forecast and Cryptocurrencies Forecast for November 04 – 08, 2019First, a review of last week’s events:

EUR/USD. What was expected did happen: on Wednesday, October 30, the US Federal Reserve lowered the interest rate on the dollar from 2.0% to 1.75%. Naturally, the US currency began to fall, the pair went up, but the movement was quite moderate: the market has long been ready for this decision of the Federal Reserve. As a result, the pair hardly reached the level of 1.1175, returning to the medium-term support/resistance line, which began last March.


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